Content Creation That CONVERTS

Understanding LEAD MAGNETS

Increase Income Producing Activity



Building A PROFITABLE E-mail List

The 21st Century is here and lead buying is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Purchasing leads can fill a void when we feel inactive in our business or just too busy to actually work our business. Unfortunately, the conversion rate is usually BELOW 10%. Our TBD® Direct Marketing Lead Creation System will show you how to create NICHE LEADS that you can use to market whatever product or service you offer, significantly INCREASE YOUR CONVERSION RATE TO OVER 15%, and COST YOU LESS MONEY IN THE PROCESS!

Raquel Santana, Realtor

Raquel Santana, Realtor

"Thank you Mr. Dunbar for not only showing me a way to develop my own qualified leads, but for putting me on to Kajabi —which has allowed me to create training courses for other realtors and first-time home buyers" —Raquel Santana, Texas

Nick Horn, Network Marketer

Nick Horn,
Network Marketer

"After 8 years of buying 'bad' leads, it was a change of pace to talk to prospects that had previously downloaded lead magnets that my social media manager posted on my behalf. If nothing else, I am a better 'closer' with 'good leads' after spending 8 years with 'bad leads... Lol" —Nick Horn, Colorado

Oxana Tursunbaev, Insurance Agent

Oxana Tursunbaev,
Insurance Agent

"Robert Dunbar, my good friend, thank you so much for making time for me and for cutting my lead costs. We traditionally pay $25-$35/lead in the insurance world, so to be paying less than $1/qualified lead for our insurance business is a blessing. If you are buying leads, we suggest you give Robert a call!" —Oxana Tursunbaev, Insurance Agent

V.I.P. Package



  • OVER 10 Training Modules (Audio version)
  • OVER 10 Training Modules (Video Version)
  • Download the FULL Audio and FULL Video training along with the FULL Slide Deck
  • Join the TBD Coaching & Training University Platform by creating your own PERSONAL LOGIN  to access your course materials at your convenience
  • "Share your thoughts" and Network with the community by "commenting" while you engage in your training
  • 30 Days of One-on-One Lead Creation Coaching
  • 4, 90-Minute Sessions and 4, 15-Minute Sessions (Coaching)
ENROLL For $99

V.I.P. On A Budget Package


BUDGET-FRIENDLY Package With 2 EASY Payments

  • EVERYTHING from the VIP Package
  • PLUS, these BENEFITS...
  • 2 EASY PAYMENTS of $54.50 (over 30 days)



ENROLL For $109