Understanding Your Chronotype

The concept of chronotypes refers to individual differences in CIRCADIAN RHYTHM, which is the internal clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycle.

Understanding your chronotype can help you align your daily activities, such as work, exercise, and socializing, with your natural sleep-wake patterns for optimal health and well-being.

Complimentary Chronotype Assessment

What Is Your Chronotype?

Fill in the information below, click the "Submit" button, and take your COMPLIMENTARY quiz!

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The Four Main Chronotypes:  Take The Quiz To Find Yours.

Your chronotype, or your preferred timing of sleep and wakefulness, can have a significant impact on our ENERGY LEVELS throughout the day. It's important to note that THE BELOW CHRONOTYPES ARE NOT FIXED  and can change over time due to various factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and environmental influences.

Dolphin Chronotype Logo

The Dolphin: 10%

Light-sleeping Insomniac

Bear Chronotype Logo

The Bear: 50%

Solar-based Schedule

Lion Chronotype Logo

The Lion: 15% — 20%

The Early Bird

Wolf Chronotype Logo

The Wolf: 15% — 20%

The Nocturnal Hunter